• Gold
  • Silver
  • Copper

The Board believes that good corporate governance improves corporate performance and benefits all shareholders. National Policy 58-201 - Corporate Governance Guidelines provides non-prescriptive guidelines on corporate governance practices for reporting issuers such as the Company. In addition, NI 58-101 prescribes certain disclosure by the Company of its corporate governance practices. This disclosure is presented below.

Board of Directors

The Company's Board facilitates its exercise of independent supervision over the Company's management through frequent meetings of the Board, both with and without members of the Company's management (including members of management that are also directors) being in attendance. The independent directors are encouraged to meet at any time they consider necessary without any members of management including the non-independent directors being present.

The Company's Board is comprised of three directors. The Board has determined David Terry to be "independent" based upon the tests for independence set forth in NI 52-110.

The following directors are current members of management and thus are not considered to be independent: Nikolaos Cacos, President and CEO and Darren Urquhart, Chief Financial Officer.

Name of Director of the Company

Names of Other Reporting Issuers

Nikolaos Cacos Golden Arrow Resources Corporation
Argentina Lithium & Energy Corp.
David Terry Golden Arrow Resources Corporation
Oakmont Minerals Corp.
Darren Urquhart N/A

Orientation and Continuing Education

While Blue Sky does not have formal orientation and training programs, new Board members are provided with:

  1. access to recent, publicly filed documents of Blue Sky; and
  2. access to management and technical experts and consultants.

Board members are encouraged to communicate with management, auditors and technical consultants; to keep themselves current with industry trends and developments and changes in legislation with management's assistance; and to attend related industry seminars and visit Blue Sky's operations. Board members have full access to Blue Sky's records.

The Board of Blue Sky attempts to provide continuing education for its directors in order that they maintain the skill and knowledge necessary for them to meet their obligations as directors. As an example, technical presentations are made at Board meetings, focusing on either a particular property or a summary of various properties. The question and answer portions of these presentations are a valuable learning resource for the non-technical directors.

Ethical Business Conduct

The Board has responsibility for the stewardship of Blue Sky including responsibility for strategic planning, identification of the principal risks of the Company's business and implementation of appropriate systems to manage these risks, succession planning (including appointing, training and monitoring senior management), communications with investors and the financial community and the integrity of the Company's internal control and management information systems. To facilitate meeting this responsibility, the Board seeks to foster a culture of ethical conduct by striving to ensure the Company carries out its business in line with high business and moral standards and applicable legal and financial requirements. In that regard, the Board:

  • has adopted a Code for its directors, officers, employees and consultants. A copy of the Code can be found on the Company website at www.blueskyuranium.com and is posted on SEDAR at www.sedar.com under Blue Sky's profile;
  • has adopted a written Whistleblower Policy for its directors, officers, employees and consultants which details procedures to report financial concerns and ethical business dilemmas. The Board has appointed a Compliance Officer who is responsible for investigating and resolving all reported complaints and allegations concerning violations of the Code. The Compliance Officer has direct access to the Audit Committee and the Board and the Compliance Officer is required to report to the Board at least annually on compliance activity;
  • is cognizant of the Company's timely disclosure obligations and has adopted a written Corporate Disclosure and Insider Trading Policy for its directors, officers, employees and consultants. The Board has established a Disclosure Committee to review material disclosure documents such as financial statements, management's discussion and analysis and press releases prior to their distribution, and identify material information. The Disclosure Committee is comprised of the Company's Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and any one director of the Company;
  • has adopted a Foreign Corporate Policy that outlines the Company's commitment to ethical business practices in every jurisdiction in which it does business. Company directors, officers, employees, management company employees and those who provide services to the Company, shall be expected to act with integrity, honesty and in good faith, support the communities in which it operates and act in accordance with applicable laws with the highest standards of ethical and professional behaviour in foreign jurisdictions;
  • encourages management to consult with legal and financial advisors to ensure the Company's requirements are met;
  • is cognizant of timely disclosure obligations and reviews material disclosure documents such as financial statements, management's discussion and analysis (MD&A) and press releases prior to their distribution;
  • relies on its Audit Committee to annually review the systems of internal financial control and discuss such matters with the Company's external auditor; and
  • monitors the Company's compliance with the Board's directives and ensures that all material transactions are thoroughly reviewed and authorized by the Board before being undertaken by management.

The Board must also comply with the conflict of interest provisions of the British Columbia Business Corporations Act, as well as the relevant securities regulatory instruments, in order to ensure that directors exercise independent judgment in considering transactions and agreements in respect of which a director or executive officer has a material interest.

Nomination of Directors

The Board has responsibility for identifying potential Board candidates. The Board assesses potential Board candidates to fill perceived needs on the Board for required skills, expertise, independence and other factors.


The Board has established a Compensation and Governance Committee which recommends to the Board the directors' and officers' compensation, among other things, on the time commitment, effort and success of each individual contribution towards the success of Blue Sky and a comparison of the remuneration paid by Blue Sky to publicly available information of the remuneration paid by other reporting issuers (public companies) that the Committee feels are similarly placed within the industry.

In addition, the directors and officers are granted stock options under the Blue Sky Stock Option Plan. The Compensation and Governance Committee determines the terms of each stock option within the parameters set out in the Stock Option Plan and applicable stock exchange rules and policies.

Other Board Committees

In addition to the following "Audit Committee" section, the Board has established the following committees, described below.

Compensation and Governance Committee: The Compensation and Governance Committee is responsible for the review and setting of all compensation (including stock options) paid by the Company to the CEO, all other executive officers of the Company and the members of the Board. The Committee is also responsible for the governance roles, responsibilities, authorities and powers including the general responsibility for developing and reviewing the approach of the Company to governance issues.

(See: Information Circular - "Executive Compensation -- Compensation Process" for further details of the Compensation Committee.)

The Compensation and Governance Committee is also responsible for reviewing and assessing the effectiveness of the Board; making recommendations to the Board regarding the composition and the appropriate size of the Board; reviewing the corporate governance policies and practices of the Company generally and making recommendations thereon to the directors of the Company.

Disclosure Committee: The Board has established a Disclosure Committee, presently comprised of the Company's CEO, CFO and any one director, to assist the Company in the identification and disclosure of material information, fulfilling its responsibilities regarding disclosures to its security holders and the investment community, made on a timely basis. The Disclosure Committee assists with controls and procedures regarding material information disclosure; determines 'blackout' periods for trading; and pre-approves all news releases prior to dissemination.

Audit Committee: The overall purpose of the Audit Committee of the Company is to ensure that the Company's management has designed and implemented an effective system of internal financial controls, to review and report on integrity of the consolidated financial statements of the Company and to review the Company's compliance with regulatory and statutory requirements as they relate to financial statements, taxation matters and disclosure of material facts.


The Compensation and Governance Committee is responsible for reviewing and assessing the effectiveness of the Board of the Company, and making recommendations to the Board regarding the composition and the appropriate size of the Board; reviewing the corporate governance policies and practices of the Company generally and making recommendations thereon to the directors of the Company, including overseeing and making recommendations to the directors of the Company on developing the approach of the Company to corporate governance issues and practices and formulating the response of the Company to the corporate governance guidelines and disclosure requirements.


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